Penicillin – A Life Saver and a Dangerous Allergen

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Years ago, before allergies to it were discovered, penicillin was the only antibiotic doctors used to treat infections. Since its discovery in mold found on moldy oranges, it had been a relatively cheap and easy-to-make solution to what had previously been a deadly problem. Even today it is the most-used antibiotic worldwide.

Of course, it was discovered fairly quickly that many people had allergic reactions to it. But these symptoms ran the gamut between minor annoying rashes and life-threatening breathing difficulties. Common symptoms include rash or hives which could cover a significant portion of the body; swollen lips, tongue or face which could be severe; and itchy, red, irritated and bloodshot eyes.

More severe allergic reactions can be very serious. They might include a sudden drop in blood pressure and/or an anaphylactic reaction resulting in swelling of the bronchial airway making breathing difficult.

It became important to be aware if you were allergic to penicillin or not so you could instruct any doctors giving you care. This is still a question all doctors ask their patients and keep record of.

Chances are you’ve had penicillin and already know whether or not you’re allergic to it. If you’ve never had it, be sure your physicians know that. They will then take extra care if, or when, penicillin is called for in the future. They will watch for dangerous symptoms of this, the most common type of drug allergy.

In earlier years if you were one of those unfortunate few who with severe allergies to penicillin, you were just out of luck. For you, there was no alternative. Your doctor’s hands were tied and, like many before penicillin was discovered, you were likely to die from an infection we wouldn’t even give much thought to today.

It is still unknown why some people are allergic to penicillin and others are not. It’s also unclear why some have such severe reactions as to have life threatened, where others get only minor skin irritations.

If you have taken penicillin and experienced any of the symptoms mentioned, contact your doctor immediately. The most severe symptom, anaphylactic reaction, will present itself just about immediately. The more minor rashes and swelling may take a few hours to appear. Treatments for the symptoms are readily available; however a cure for the allergy does not yet exist.

Often, pediatricians will test young children for allergies to penicillin before it’s needed. This is a good idea. If your child has never had penicillin, tell your doctor. He can determine whether or not your child is allergic and, if so, to what degree. That way you’ll be prepared for any emergency.

If penicillin is recommended for your child and you DON’T know whether or not he’s allergic, make sure the doctors know that. They can take precautions before giving penicillin or give an alternative antibiotic for safety, depending on the situation.

Allergies can be much more dangerous than you might think. It’s important to know what drugs may cause you adverse reactions. In the case of penicillin this is especially important, because it is often the first antibiotic tried and it has the highest allergic reaction rate of any other drug.

Bovine Collagen

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Accidents, trauma, burns and surgery can lead to the formation of acute wounds. Physiological wound repair is a complex process which leads to the formation of new tissue after injury. In most cases, these wounds heal within an acceptable time and follow a largely uneventful course. However, the healing process is not perfect, and healing impairments can occur. Delayed healing and formation of chronic wounds have been linked to the excessive production of proteolytic enzymes leading to reduced amounts of growth factors and successive destruction of the extracellular matrix. It has been implied that there is an alteration in the normal control mechanisms regulating the levels of these enzymes.

According to recent research compiled by Lohmann and Rauscher GmbH & Co, it was found that if a wound persists for at least 8-12 weeks and shows no tendency towards healing or is not fully healed within 12 months, the wound is considered to be stagnating or chronic. The magnitude and incidence of slow or non-healing wounds are increasing as the population ages and chronic health conditions associated with wounds such as chronic venous insufficiency, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes become more prevalent.

Chronic wounds are stuck in the inflammatory phase of wound healing. A persisting inflammation occurs if the wound is sealed by necrotic tissue, contaminated with pathogens, or when foreign material is present that cannot be phagocytised or solubilised during the acute inflammatory phase.

The research conducted by Lohmann and Rauscher GmbH & Co found that bovine collagen, and its absorption and binding qualities, was capable of establishing a physiological wound milieu and should assist in supporting the healing process. Bovine collagen dressings are widely used as beneficial covers for chronic wounds because of their ability to keep the wound climate moist. The porous structure and capillary activity of the collagen foam enable the absorption of large quantities of fluid. Furthermore, collagen provides support for cellular proliferation. The study presented provides a biochemical explanation for the clinical enhancement of the healing process in chronic wounds following the application of a collagen wound dressing.

The medical uses for bovine collagen are expanding at an accelerating rate. In a 2010 research paper presented by the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan, it was found that bovine collagen provides the perfect material for clinical scaffolds to repair damaged articular cartilage. Adult articular cartilage has very limited intrinsic repair or regeneration capacity, due to the limited proliferation of highly differentiated chondrocytes in vivo, slow matrix turnover, low supply of progenitor cells, and a lack of vascular supply. Damaged or diseased cartilage tissue caused by developmental abnormalities, trauma, or aging-related degeneration results in disability and extensive pain.

According to the research, the application of bovine collagen scaffolds in cartilage tissue engineering meets the set criteria for such material, including that the ideal scaffolds should be prepared from a biocompatible and biodegradable substrate and have a suitable surface property for cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation. Structurally, the ideal scaffolds should have an open and interconnected porous architecture, which helps cells easily penetrate into the inner part of the scaffolds and results in homogenous cell distribution. As bovine collagen meets these requirements, it was deemed the most suitable material for the application.

Southern Lights Biomaterials is a New Zealand-based biomaterials company supplying medical device manufacturers worldwide with animal tissue products, sourced from Category 1 countries – New Zealand and Australia.

Side Effects of Mental Illness Drugs Cause Sudden Death

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Schizophrenia is a scary and difficult chronic mental illness- both for the person AND for their family who all have to live with the diagnosis. In most cases, antipsychotic medications need to be taken forever to control the disturbing symptoms. But rarely is anyone told that these medications not only double the risk of sudden cardiac death, but also put the sufferer at risk for several other chronic illnesses as well.

The severe mental condition that has been termed schizophrenia is NOT the ‘multiple personality disorder’ that many think of when they hear the term, but is a different mental illness characterized by bizarre behaviors like paranoia, hearing voices, and having hallucinations. It is often acquired after a stressful life event and occurs swiftly and unpredictably in what is known as a ‘psychotic break’. This is devastating for the patient and their family who suddenly have to live with a diagnosis of mental illness. And that is just the first step in a life filled with doctors, hospitals, medications and psychiatrists- with little hope to ever really have a normal life again.

  • Schizophrenia and a handful of medications forever..
  • There is no ‘cure’, in traditional medicine, for Psychosis; and a prescription for one or more ‘antipsychotics’ with names like Haldol and Risperdal, along with a cocktail of other drugs often prescribed for anxiety, depression and sleep are frequently on the menu. But what these people are rarely, if ever, told about are the long term side effects of these drugs. While doctors are ever prescribing anticholesterol ‘statins’, aspirin and blood pressure medications in order to achieve a 1 – 2% reduction in heart disease, they are knowingly giving schizophrenic individuals, who generally get their first psychotic break as a teenager or young adult, a shortened lifespan from the medications that they are prescribing.

    In the research available on these drugs, it is well known that Sudden Cardiac Death is a ‘side effect’ of antipsychotic medications. In fact, these medications DOUBLE the risk of sudden cardiac death. In the beginning, however, it does not give them the “heart disease” of clogged arteries that we associate with heart attacks. The immediate risk of antipsychotics is that they give sufferers a high risk for a very specific disorder called ‘Prolonged Q-T interval’.

    Prolonged Q-T Interval gets its name from the prolonged time that it takes for the electrical activity of the heart to return to normal after each heartbeat. But this extra time isn’t measured in minutes or seconds, but in hundredths of a second- making it difficult to diagnose. But this extra millisecond can have the devastating consequence of putting the taker of these medications into an abnormal cardiac rhythm called Ventricular Fibrillation- which will quickly lead to death without immediate emergency care. And this will come on without pain, shortness of breath or any of the other ‘warning signs’ of a heart attack because it is not clogged arteries that are the problem, but the electrical system that is the primary problem.

    Even worse, antipychotics don’t just put people into your vanilla, standard everyday Ventricular Fibrillation that generally responds well to the dramatic ‘paddles on the chest, everybody get away from the patient and shock them’ type of defibrillation that you see on television. It actually puts them into a very specific TYPE of Ventricular Fibrillation called Torsades de Pointes, that doesn’t change to a normal rhythm with the shocks and heart starting medications that are the ‘standard protocol’ for restarting the heart. Instead, ‘Torsades’ requires an immediate infusion of intravenous magnesium. As hospitals and emergency rooms have magnesium at hand, this shouldn’t be such a hard thing to do; but unfortunately, Torsades de Pointes is fairly rare and is difficult to recognize, so in many cases it is not even considered until the shocks and CPR are not working- and by then it is often too late for the magnesium to be effective.

  • But wait, there’s more…
  • Not only do antipsychotics double the risk of deadly heart rhythms, but they ALSO increase the risk of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity- which are risk factors for ‘regular’ heart disease complete with clogged arteries, angioplasty and open heart surgery. Fortunately, true psychosis is rare- so doctors don’t prescribe these dangerous medications unless they are absolutely necessary… right?

    Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. In fact, over 200,000 people in the US are newly diagnosed each year and hundreds of thousands of prescriptions for antipsychotics are written every year. And despite virtually NO studies having been done, they are being given to adolescents, children and even PRESCHOOLERS as young as TWO YEARS OLD! Most of these are prescribed by PRIMARY physicians without the child having even had an evaluation by a psychiatrist. And almost half were written, not for schizophrenia as they are intended, but for ADD and ADHD for which the drugs have never even been tested!

    “Rates of (doctor’s office) visits that resulted in a psychotropic prescription increased from 3.4 percent in 1994-1995 to 8.3 percent in 2000-2001. By 2001, one out of ten office visits by adolescent males resulted in a prescription for a psychotropic medication.” Trends in the use of psychotropic medications among adolescents, 1994 to 2001.

    So, while researchers who study the cardiac death risk profile of antipsychotic drugs are advocating “sharp reductions” in the use of these agents- doctors are ignoring this advice and are steadily increasing the number of antipsychotic drugs prescribed each year. These patients, who are often children and teens without true schizophrenia, will somehow have to deal with several chronic health conditions that will not only shorten their lives, but decrease the quality of a life already made more difficult by mental illness.

    Generic Acomplia

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    In the today’s lifestyle, we are all almost thinking everything very fast and the automatic such as like fast cash, but fast communication, and fast foods and many others. This is a very good advantageous given to the people in many ways but they can buy a good product of this lifestyle is overweight and obesity. This is true to all people of the young and old age. As you go walking on the street or riding on the car going to work or school everyday, how many fat persons have you seen in your daily life?

    Countless people are overweight because of the many kinds of foods they eat daily. Most of the fast foods are rich in the carbohydrates, fats and preservatives but that are harmful to our body as compared to healthy foods which we are eat. As per survey conducted by World Health Organization, a huge percentage of people suffer from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney failure were due to improper foods that they eat. But the discovery of Rimonabant also known as a Generic Acomplia which is really in the time to today’s condition better. Generic Acomplia is an anorectic ant obesity drug that can be works not to reduce your body weight but on controlling the craving of foods as well as other detrimental urges like smoking.

    Truly this Generic Acomplia is so beneficial to our health because it can be remedy of the two sicknesses at the same time. Smoking is the prime cause of lung cancer but even though people know that it can be harm of their body yet they cannot control their desire to smoke. But this is where a it is which can be takes as an important role. it is acts as a blocker in the brain that switches off the brain circuits hence a person will not feel hungry for foods or cigarettes. In clinical test conducted, it was found out that after a regular dose of it is as a daily supplement smoker quits their smoking.

    The good benefits of the it is did not stop in the obesity of the body 0and smoking. It was found out that it can also prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease. You might be thinking that if you start taking this supplement that can be your weight will reduce automatically; well unfortunately this is not what you are thinking of. A proper balance diet with a daily exercise is another requirement for this it is to work successfully.

    Who can take care of the Generic Acomplia (Rimonabant)?
    It isis highly as to be recommended to a obese or overweight persons who are suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus and those smokers who wanted to quit smoking. The most proper way to know if you can take this drug is to consult your doctor properly for the health better.

    Where can you buy Generic Acomplia (Rimonabant)?
    It is can be purchase in some of the better leading online pharmacy. Its affordable price is for everybody’s reach. No need for you to go out of your home to purchase this wonderful product because it can be done in one click. Visit some online pharmacy and read about their promos and discounts.

    Do not let your bad eating habits affects your entire existence. Start working on regulating your body weight by doing daily physical activities, eating the right kind of foods and taking it is as your daily supplement in your daily life protections.

    Understanding Pure Resveratrol

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    It has been a long established fact that red wine is beneficial to the body. This is one of the biggest and most resounding theories that scientists have used to explain the French Paradox. Scientists discovered a substance called pure resveratrol in red wine. This substance is naturally produced by red grapes, blueberries and other brightly colored fruits to protect them from bacteria, fungi and disease. Scientists also discovered that while resveratrol is found in other fruits, they highest concentrations can be found in the skins of red grapes. This is why red wine and pure grape juice are so rich in pure resveratrol.

    Theories about the French Paradox began in the early 1990s, when people started to notice an anomaly in the French people. Scientists realized that the typical French diet was high in saturated fat and calories, but the French actually had a much lower heart disease rate. It was mind-boggling because doctors told people the exact opposite—that a high fat diet would increase the risk of heart disease. They soon found out that pure resveratrol in red wine was what they had been looking for.

  • More studies
  • Once scientists figured out the existence of pure resveratrol, they wanted to know more about it. Two researchers from the Harvard Medical School studied two groups of laboratory mice to see how resveratrol supplements affect the body. Both test groups were given high fat diets (60% or more of calories from fat). One group was given pure resveratrol while the other group was not given any. In a matter of weeks the mice that did not get resveratrol supplements were showing signs of a fatty liver and the first signs of diabetes. The second group did not develop any of these symptoms and even lived longer than the first group.

  • The elixir of youth?
  • When you go into a health shop and ask about resveratrol supplements, the vendor will probably tell you that it is a great anti-aging, anti-cancer and anti-stress supplement. This is all true. Pure resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can delay the signs of aging and can reverse the effects of a high-fat diet. Being an antioxidant, it can fight and prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s and improve athletic performance and stamina.

  • Dosage
  • What is the recommended amount of pure resveratrol you need for one day to reap its benefits? It would be difficult to drink the 1000 bottles of wine that would equate to the amount of pure resveratrol the mice in the laboratory study took, but experts say that 500mg to 2000mg is the correct daily dosage. The key is consistency. It is better if you take the supplements on a daily basis to maintain the resveratrol levels in your blood than if you take huge amounts of it only a few times a month.

    The effects of pure resveratrol supplements, like weight loss and lowered cholesterol, are very promising. Although more research needs to be done to make the product more effective, doctors say that there is no reason why consumers cannot safely take resveratrol supplements to improve their health.

    Aloe Vera Versus Natralia Psoriasis Cream

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    Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease characterized by rapid multiplication of skin cells. Psoriasis is commonly seen around the skin folds and other areas such as the scalp. The affected skin appears as red patches covered by thick, dry and silvery-white scales. Usually, those who are affected with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis over time. Psoriasis is also a chronic disease that may come and go. Psoriasis cannot be cured, though it can be treated. A wide variety of treatment for psoriasis are available; from creams, lotions that moisturize, to OTC drugs that block histamine to counter the itchiness, to dietary supplements with zinc, to holistic and homeopathic methods – name it! But two of the most popular treatments today are aloe vera and natralia psoriasis cream. Comparing these two may help you in selecting the best cream available to treat your psoriasis.

  • Aloe vera
  • Elocon cream generic
    Aloe vera is a species of succulent plant. It thrives in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa, India and other parts of the world. Aloe vera is usually used in herbal medicine because of its medicinal properties. Preliminary evidence from scientific studies suggest that Aloe vera extracts are useful in the treatment of wounds and healing burns, skin infections, cysts, diabetes, and elevated blood lipids. These are attributed to the compounds present in the plant such as polysaccharides, mannas, anthraquinones and lectins. A recent study concludes that the use of Aloe vera for the healing of first to second degree burns. In addition to its wound healing abilities, internal intake has been linked with better blood glucose levels in people who suffer from diabetes. Aloe vera extracts have been used also as an immunostimulant that aids in fighting cancer.

    In a study conducted in Belgium, 60 psoriasis patients were subjected to a double blind placebo test. The study showed that Aloe vera had a cure rate of 83.3% compared to a placebo. Patients’ psoriasis were seen to be reduced in number and there was also a reduction in skin discoloration. There were no side effects seen on the patients. The Aloe vera used in the study was a 0.5% Aloe vera extract added in a hydrophilic cream emollient.

  • Natralia
  • Natralia offers a wide variety of unique and patented natural skin care remedies. These products are made in Australia, and are derived from natural and organic components. Natralia products aim to relieve and treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, scarring, stretch marks, muscle pain and cramps. Natralia also offers first aid creams and sprays, anti-fungal, as well as foot care products.

    Natralia psoriasis creams have been formulated with natural ingredients and are suitable for use on young children and vegetarians. The cream does not contain gluten, yeast, artificial colors, sls, parabens and nut oils that are big no-no’s when it comes to eczema and psoriasis. The cream itself is mild, soothing and moisturizing to relieve the dryness and itchiness brought about by psoriasis. The cream contains specifically chosen homeopathic ingredients, herbal extracts and essential oils including lavender oil, licorice extract, avocado oil and evening primrose oil. The cream should be used directly on affected areas to relieve itching, irritation, redness, flaking and scaling, and should be applied 2-3 times daily.

    Aloe vera and Natralia psoriasis cream are two promising products that relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. Both are safe and without side effects, unlike corticosteroids that may do more harm than good. I have laid some facts here. You decide which is better, but, I guess trying both won’t hurt.

    Generic Vs Brand Medication

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    What is a generic drug? A generic medication is a drug product that has the same active ingredients, strength and dosage form as the brand-name counterpart. It is sold under the chemical or scientific name for the drug instead of the manufacturer’s brand name. Brand name drugs have a twenty-year patent life. Once that patent expires, other manufacturers are free to make the drug in a generic form. The cost of a drug drops between 30-80% once it becomes available as a generic.

    Are there differences between a brand-name drug and its generic alternative? Yes. Generic medications marketed in the U.S. may differ from their brand-name counterparts in such things as shape, packaging fillers (including colors, flavors, preservatives), expiration time, and, within certain limits, labeling. However, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that all drugs, both brand-name and generic medications marketed in the United States, meet the same requirements for quality, strength, purity and potency. The FDA will only approve generic medications that have the same active ingredients and works the same in the body as the brand-name counterparts.

    Are generics available for all brand-name drugs? No, only after a brand-name drug loses it’s patent can other manufactures produce the generic form. Keep in mind that even after a patent expires, some drugs may not be available in generic form, if no manufacturer makes them. Today about 1/2 or 8730 of the 11,487 drugs listed in the FDA’s Orange Book have generic counterparts. (source FDA, MedAd news)

    Do generic drugs take longer to work? No, when a manufacturer wants to produce a drug generically, that manufacturer must provide evidence to the FDA that it works in the body just like the brand-name drug and within the same amount of time as the brand-name drug.

    Are generic drugs as safe as the brand-name drugs? Yes. All medications have risk. The manufacturer of the generic medication must prove to the FDA that the generic is as safe as the brand-name drug. Only a consumer in consultation with their physician can determine if those risks outweigh the benefits in their specific situation.

    Are generic drugs made in the same type of facilities as the brand-name drugs? Yes. Generic manufacturers must meet the same exact standards as brand-name manufacturers. Brand-name manufacturers account for an estimated 50% of generic drug production. They frequently make copies of their own or other brand-name drugs but sell them without the brand-name designation. The FDA makes over 3,500 inspections a year to ensure the these standards are met in both brand-name and generic manufacturing facilities.

    Why should I use a generic drug? Generic medications represent real value. They usually cost from 30-80% less than their brand-name counterparts and, since the FDA is very strict about approving generics, you can be assured that the generic drug you receive is a safe and effective alternative to the brand-name drug.

    Let me give you an example of the savings and power of generics. Let’s say a member’s prescription drug plan has copays of $10, $35 & $50 depending on the classification (tier) of the drug as determined by the insurance carrier. One member of a health insurance plan pays a $35 copayment a month for a 30 day supply of brand name Zocor. Other members use the generic version, simvastatin and pays a $10 copay. Over a full year, that amounts to a $300 savings, just by switching one prescription.

    Also, premiums for an insurance policy are determined based on the dollar amount of claims submitted to your insurance company. Although your copay is only $35, the drug may cost say $180, so the additional $145 is billed to your insurance provider. If all members of the plan make similar choices (insisting on a brand-name vs. generic), just think of the true cost to the insurance carrier.

    How do I get a generic medication? Start with your doctor or pharmacist. Questions you should ask include:

    • is there a generic version of my drug available?
    • are generics right for me?
    • are there any risks I should know about before I change to a generic?
    • how much will I save if I change to a generic?

    According to the FDA, generic drugs approved by the FDA are biologically and therapeutically equivalent to their brand-name counterparts… and people can use them with confidence!

    Influenza Pills

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    Both Relenza and Tamiflu are medications prescribed for the treatment of Influenza A and B. They have been seen to be effective against the fight against swine flu. For the present, before the swine flu vaccine is put out on the market, Relenza and Tamiflu will remain the two medications in use by the doctors to help treat the various symptoms associated with swine flu. Both antiviral medications are in great demand across the world for the treatment against swine flu.

    The spread of Influenza

    Influenza is a medical condition that is highly contagious. It’s important to know about the spread of the influenza virus and how it targets the body to know just how Relenza or Tamiflu help treat the virus and its symptoms. The flu virus specifically targets the respiratory cells of the body. It infects the lining of the respiratory tract, which leads it to swell and inflame. Its rapid spread is a result of its replication inside the host cell. In a very short time span, hundreds of copies of the virus are produced and the host cell is destroyed. These virus replications then attack the new host cells and again replicate inside the cells.


    Relenza – its active ingredient as Zanamivir – belongs to a family of medications known as neuraminidase inhibitors and is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline. It is used in the prevention and treatment of the Influenza virus A and B. Its latest use is in the treatment of swine flu. Zanamivir binds itself to the active site of the neuraminidase protein. This restricts the influenza virus to the host cell and limits its spread. As it cannot infect other cells due to the action of Relenza, the spread of influenza is restricted to a particular area. This helps in treating the virus in a successful manner.


    Tamiflu, with the active ingredient oseltamivir, belongs to a family of medications known as neuraminidase inhibitors. Manufactured by Roche, it’s a highly effective drug that is popularly prescribed for the treatment of influenza and swine flu. Like Relenza, this medication also prevents the spread of the influenza virus in the body by restricting its spread from the host cell. To be taken by mouth, the ideal dosage of Tamiflu is the prerogative of the medical experts prescribing it to you. It can be taken with or without food. However, it has been noted that if you take Tamiflu with a light snack, milk, or with your meals, you might not suffer from side effects like nausea or vomiting.

    The Difference between Swine flu and Influenza

    The fact that swine flu and influenza can both be treated by Relenza and Tamiflu means that the foundation of both the medical conditions remains the same, but there are a few differences. Without a medical confirmation, as a layman you will not be able to distinguish between swine flu and influenza. The symptoms of normal influenza are exacerbated in swine flu. It’s only after specific tests are conducted that swine flu can be identified.
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    In children the symptoms of swine flu include:

  • Respiratory problems like breathing difficulty
  • Change in skin colour to gray or bluish green
  • Severe and persistent vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Excessive irritability
  • All typical symptoms of flu like fever, cold, cough etc
  • In adults the symptoms include:

  • Severe respiratory problems like breathing difficulty or shortness of breath
  • Abdominal and chest pain
  • Vomiting that is severe and very persistent
  • Fatigue
  • Sudden bouts of dizziness
  • All typical symptoms of flu like fever,cold, cough etc
  • Difference between Tamiflu and Relenza

    The primary difference between Tamiflu and Relenza lie in their active agents and mode of intake. Oseltamivir is the active ingredient in Tamiflu, while zanamivir is the active ingredient in Relenza. While Relenza has to be inhaled, Tamiflu is available in the form of pills. Both act in a similar fashion when it comes to preventing the spread of the influenza virus in a person’s body.

    There is also a difference between the two when it comes to side effects. The intake of Tamiflu has side effects like nausea and vomiting linked to it. On the other hand the fact that Relenza is inhaled means that nausea and vomiting as side effects do not enter the picture.

    Tamiflu And Pregnancy

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    When a woman is pregnant, she is not supposed to be taking just about any drug because it might have side effects on the baby. Every time a pregnant woman takes something for an illness, she must be extremely careful of what medications she will be taking.

    But what if a pregnant woman does contract swine flu or H1N1? Since the usual treatment for this is Tamiflu which had been categorized by the FDA under the medical category “C”, what should a pregnant woman do? Shouldn’t Tamiflu and pregnancy be dealt with accordingly?

    A little basic information is essential. Tamiflu is not generally recommended for use in treating pregnant women due to the fact that side effects that may occur on the fetus have not been scrupulously studied. But since the outbreak of the H1N1, things have changed.

    With the turn of events, Tamiflu can be administered to pregnant women who happen to have received the H1N1 vaccine but still developed the swine flu anyhow. The thing here is that if a woman has received her H1N1 shot, which is recommended for pregnant women since it basically does not contain the live virus, then she may start taking Tamiflu at any period. But more importantly, if a woman has already received the nasal mist H1N1 live vaccine prior to finding out that she is with child, then Tamiflu should not be taken until about two weeks have already passed since she has had that vaccination shot.

    If Tamiflu and pregnancy are causing you any concern, then you need to take note that if a pregnant woman is developing flu-like symptoms and you doubt her to have had an H1N1 exposure, then she ought to be monitored carefully by doctors when she is taking the Tamiflu.

    The length of time for which Tamiflu needs to be taken is similar to an antibiotic, which involves an entire course that needs to be finished. For instance, ten pills are prescribed to be taken by a patient. Then the patient must definitely take all of them as directed with no excuses.

    Pregnant women most especially must make any report about unusual side effects to any doctor instantaneously. Some of Tamiflu’s side effects may include irrational behavior, confusion, or simply a skin rash. However, vomiting and nausea are also common side effects of Tamiflu. Signs for dehydration must also be noted in Tamiflu and pregnancy cases.

    A Few Natural Antidepressants

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    In a world of prescription drugs and powerful medication, are there really natural antidepressants out there that are strong enough to do any good in the battle against depression? According to many, the answer is yes. The brain is incredibly complex, having to operate and control all the other systems and parts of the body. Sometimes being deficient in a single chemical out of hundreds can bring about the onset of depression. And after the onset comes on, a downward spiral can easily follow it. More and more, research is showing that much of the chemical imbalances in the body are caused by poor eating and exercise habits. This is difficult in the case of depression because depression often causes poor eating habits and lack of exercise in people who suffer from it. So if those are the very things that can cause it to come about, it’s easy to see how a vicious cycle can ensue. So what are some natural antidepressants, and how do they work?

    1) Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. In many other articles, I’ve written extensively on Omega 3 EFAs. They’re absolutely essential to proper brain function because the working surface of the brain and gray matter are made up of Omega 3 EFAs. Another very important piece of information is that Omega 3 EFAs are increasingly being diminished in the normal food supply due to some specific corporate farming methods that are increasing the supply of Omega 6 EFAs and diminishing the supply of Omega 3s.

    But getting more specific about Omega 3s as natural antidepressants. According to Joseph Hibbeln MD, author of a few compelling studies on fish consumption linked to depression, “In the last century, [Western] diets have radically changed and we eat grossly fewer omega-3 fatty acids now. We also know that rates of depression have radically increased by perhaps a hundred-fold.” In clinical studies, the Omega 3 component DHA was shown to be directly helpful in battling chronic depression.

    2) Balanced Diet Full of Amino Acids. Most commonly caused by an unbalanced diet lacking in amino acids, many people suffer from what’s known as Neurotransmitter Deficiency Disorder. This ailment can cause a number of conditions such as depression, fatigue, obesity and more. The basic idea is this. The body needs amino acids in great supply. In fact there are over 20 amino acids that the body needs, 8 of which it can’t make on its own. Amino acids are what makes proteins, and proteins are much more than just muscle tissue. Most hormones and enzymes are proteins, and so are most neurotransmitters used in the brain. A diet deficient in amino acids can quickly make a person feel very lousy. A variety of essential bodily chemicals slowly start to decrease in production, and through that, the overall metabolism begins to slow down, often causing a person to feel fatigue.

    The problem with many depression drugs is that they can actually deplete levels of neurotransmitters over time. Drugs known as Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRI) including Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa, and Wellbutrin work by artificially boosting serotonin allowing for a temporary benefit to the chemical messaging system. These drugs however, don’t cause a production of more serotonin in the body, and over time can actually cause serotonin levels to deplete because of a few specific factors. So if you’re not providing the body with the building blocks, or amino acids, that it needs in order to build neurotransmitters, you might not ever see a permanent positive change.

    3) Brain Stimulating Natural Supplements. There are a host of good natural supplements available that aid in the production and release of neurotransmitters and other essential chemicals that the brain relies on. Many of the compounds found in brain stimulating natural supplements are actually specific amino acids, which you learned about in the above point. When brain chemistry isn’t at 100%, you can’t just take a supplement that will fill in the gap like you would if you had a vitamin C deficiency. Instead, supplements are available that provide the basic essentials, or building blocks, for the body to produce brain chemicals, things like hormones and neurotransmitters.
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    4) Exercise. I know that it sounds like I’m preaching a tired old message, diet and exercise. But that’s only because it’s true. A proper diet and regular exercise will do wonders for the body. We’ve already covered diet. Exercise has been linked to brain chemistry because exercise causes the body to release serotonin, thereby causing a person to feel content, happy, and energetic. I’ve noticed this phenomenon myself, being a person who exercises routinely. After a good workout, I feel a boost in vitality and spirits. Many others have reported the exact same thing.