Venapro – A Homeopathic Treatment for Hemorrhoids

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Probably, one of the most annoying and awkward illnesses is hemorrhoids. This is the inflammation of anus caused by pathologic anal vein dilation. There are many factors that may cause this disease like obesity, poor diet with less fiber, sedentary life, heredity, stress and others. Doctors offer a great number of treatment methods for hemorrhoids. They include surgery, massage, liniments, laxatives and so on. But not all the remedies guarantee that hemorrhoids won’t occur again. So, what is the best method to cure it? Let’s look through the product which is called Venapro. It is specially developed for guaranteed hemorrhoids treatment.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should have come across many medications that offer to help you with this disease. These medications consist of different kind of chemical elements, which should relieve the disease. But there are also new homeopathic remedies, which consist of natural ingredients. Venapro is one of them.

Let’s clarify what homeopathy is first. Homeopathy is the totality of treatment methods, which uses medicines that provoke the same symptoms as disease has. It stimulates body to make natural recovery by itself. So, homeopathic remedies give a key to recovery to your body by causing the mild symptoms of that illness. As a result your body copes with the illness itself.

The manufacturers of Venapro claim that the remedy is consists of diluted ingredients, which are very close to elements causing hemorrhoids. As an example we may use the application of horse chestnut in its formula. It is a cause of anal pain and swelling, so it is used as one of the ingredients for treatment. Venapro can be of two types: spray and pills. You can take it as a spray under the tongue or dissolve it in water. Otherwise, you can take it as usual pills. High dissolution of Venapro ingredients shouldn’t cause any toxicity or side effects. Certainly, if you are allergic to some of the ingredients, you should consult your doctor.

Homeopathy is not taken by all contemporary medics. Some people note quick relief after taking it, others don’t. We should say that every illness, including hemorrhoids, is very individual and calls for individual methods of treatment. You should know the reasons of the disease before treatment. The treatment method must be supported by change in lifestyle, eating habits and so on. So, everything depends not only on the remedy, but you as well.

Can Medical Marijuana Be Harmful To One’s Lungs?

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We know that tobacco smoking is harmful to a person’s health. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoking causes over 400 potentially harmful substances to pollute the lungs. With known causation for lung cancer, emphysema, low birth weight, and heart disease, there is legitimate concern over whether smoking medicinal marijuana may cause some of these same issues.

Here’s a few facts. Marijuana does not contain nicotine, which is good. However, marijuana smoking sends four fold the amount of tar to the lungs as regular cigarette smoking. Cigarette smokers tend to smoke a lot more during any given day than marijuana smokers, and cigarettes are packed tighter than joints – so making a precise comparison is difficult.

There have been studies suggesting that marijuana smokers are more likely to end up with respiratory issues than non-smokers. This is not surprising. But does marijuana cause more respiratory issues than tobacco smoke? This is not known for sure yet.

What is known is that both marijuana and tobacco smoke damage the lining of the respiratory airways. The normal types of cells lining these airways have hairlike projections which act to sweep the mucus toward the mouth. This is a very important role, and smoking replaces these cells with ones that can’t sweep the mucus. Therefore it needs to be coughed out. With chronic use of tobacco smoke, some cells can be damaged enough and turn into cancer precursors. Unfortunately the cancerous precursor cells have been seen in the bronchial linings of marijuana smokers too.

Although there isn’t definitive evidence that marijuana smoke leads to the development of respiratory cancer like tobacco smoke, the limited existing research suggests that it is an important risk factor.

Many of the same cancer causing compounds that exist in tobacco are the same as those in marijuana. People smoking marijuana tend to inhale more deeply than tobacco, so potentially the lungs are exposed to higher levels of these compounds.

Theoretically marijuana has the same carcinogenic potential as tobacco smoking, but in reality it just hasn’t been proven. Seventy percent of marijuana users also smoke tobacco, therefore, separating groups to formulate whether or not one causes increased cancer in reality would be extremely difficult.

In the big picture, medicinal marijuana has been shown to alleviate pain and suffering for numerous conditions. It may help with nausea and vomiting for cancer and HIV patients dramatically. Thankfully there are other ways to intake marijuana medicinally, such as vaporizing and edibles.

Treating Respiratory Conditions With Nebulizers

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There are many elements involved when it comes to achieving a good level of fitness. Although standard exercises such as running, walking and swimming are excellent for losing fat and building muscle you do also need to do some toning exercises as well.


There are a number of deep internal muscles that are essential for bodily function. These can be missed during standard fitness training. For example the muscles of the pelvic floor region play an important part in the control and function of our bladder and sexual organs. If you do not tone your muscles then over time they can become weak. This can lead to a number of problems such as poor bladder control, incontinence and reduced sexual performance. should be included in as part of your daily fitness regimes to help boost overall health.

Can Anyone Do Exercises?

Pelvic floor exercises are relatively easy to do. Almost anyone can benefit from this type of toning exercise. It is particularly important for following people to do regular exercises:

– Over 40’s – as we get older we can lose essential muscle tone. This can lead to the early onset of problems such incontinence. Both men and women can strengthen their internal muscles by doing pelvic floor exercises. This will tighten up your pelvic floor regime and help you regain control of your bladder functions. This can also help to improve sexual satisfaction.

– Pregnant Women – when you are pregnant a lot of strain is placed on your pelvic region. It is important to do pelvic floor exercises to tone up this area and prepare your body for the additional stress of labour. Doctors can recommend effective types of pelvic floor exercises to do whilst you are pregnant that will strengthen your muscles without putting your unborn child under any stress.

It is also important to do exercises if you are overweight or obese. The additional weight you are carrying will put your bladder and urinary tract under more pressure and this can cause them to weaken over time. You should also consider trying to incorporate some more varied exercises and activities into your day to help regain control over your weight as well. Being overweight can cause a number of health problems that could be avoided by healthy eating and exercise.

How to Get Started

It is never too late to get started with your new health and fitness regime. You can do pelvic floor exercises easily at home whether you are sitting, lying down or standing up. All you need to do at first are some simple squeezing exercises. The easiest way to start is to find a quiet spot and then lie down with your legs slightly bent and your feet flat on the floor. Now concentrate on squeezing your pelvic muscles and holding them for a few seconds. Repeat this five times and try to do a set at least twice a day.

The Risks of Anitpsychotic Drugs and Pregnancy

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The FDA has published an alert about the risks for pregnant women of using antipsychotic medication in the final trimester of their pregnancy. Agency scientists reviewing the FDA’s Adverse Event database found 69 cases of mothers taking antipsychotic medications in their final trimester whose newborns suffered abnormal muscle movements and other withdrawal symptoms linked to antipsychotic medication.

Newborns’ EPS and withdrawal symptoms may include any of the following: serious difficulty in breathing, problems in feeding, abnormal increase or decrease in muscle tone (too stiff or too flabby), tremors, and agitation. Some newborns’ symptoms resolved within hours or days without treatment; other infants required continued hospitalization for observation and treatment. The FDA’s alert included a recommendation to healthcare providers that they closely monitor all newborns whose mothers are being treated with antipsychotic medication for EPS and withdrawal symptoms.

In many of the cases in the FDA database, mothers were also being treated with other drugs that increased the risk of EPS, such as antidepressants, opioids, and benzodiazapines (a family of drugs used for anxiety and as sleep medications). Prematurity, and mothers’ health conditions such as placental problems and pre-eclampsia were also complicating factors in many cases. Nonetheless, there were in the database instances of newborns who experienced EPS whose mothers did not have health conditions and were not taking any other drugs, and for whom maternal antipsychotic medication was the only apparent causal link.

Antipsychotic medications are often an essential part of the treatment plan for psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. For many people who live with these disorders, the medications are helpful in managing their illness, and should not be stopped abruptly. The FDA’s warning, which will be reflected in the prescribing and package literature, makes clear that healthcare providers who are providing prenatal or psychiatric care for pregnant women should know that the use of antipsychotics in pregnancy raises the likelihood of EPS in newborns. Women who are taking antipsychotic medication and become pregnant should discuss the decision to continue their medications or to discontinue them, and the pros and cons of their decision, with their healthcare providers.

The FDA update applies to all antipsychotic medications, both the conventional antipsychotics and the newer generation of medications. Covered medications include Abilify, Clozaril, FazaClo ODT, Fanapt, Geodon, Haldol, Invega and Invega Sustena, Loxitane. Moban, Navane, Orap,Risperdal, Risperdal Consta, Saphris, Seroquel; Seroquel XR, Stelazine,Thorazine, Zyprexa, Zyprexa Relprev, Zyprexa Zydis, and Symbyax.

Vitex Negundo: The New Wonder Cough Drug

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It’s the new much-hyped five-finger plant. No, it is not the mildly psychedelic cannabis that the hippies were raving about several decades ago. Though it does not possess the psychoactive properties of its five-finger weed brethren, this plant still has huge potential. Herbalists tout it as the new wonder herb, a top tier all-around drug.

Vitex negundo, commonly known in the Philippines as lagundi, is a tropical tree-shrub that can reach up to 5 m in height. It has long been part of Filipino folk medicine. Lagundi is an all-around medicinal plant.

The roots of lagundi are used to cure dyspepsia, worms, boils, and rheumatism. Its flowers are very effective in treating stomach ache and fever. On the other hand, the seeds of Vitex negundo have undergone laboratory testing and have been discovered to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Yet the most potent part of this wonder shrub is its leaves. Like the roots, the leaves can also cure dyspepsia, boils, and rheumatism. The leaves are also used to treat diarrhea and fever. However, lagundi leaves are most effective in treating broncho-pulmonary disorders, particularly cough, colds, and flu.

Lagundi leaves contain Chrysosplenol D, which is a potent antihistamine compound. Histamine is a protein released by the body when it detects allergic reactions or infections. When histamines flood into the nose, dilation and leakage of nasal blood vessels occur. Histamines also stimulate sneezing and coughing and is the main reason why the nose becomes runny or stopped up if a person is suffering from flu. Antihistamine compounds, like Chrysosplenol D, work by preventing activation and excessive release of histamines. The absence of histamines generally results to alleviation of cold symptoms.

Most cold remedies out in the market are effective in preventing histamines from flooding into the nasal cavity. But most of these are made from synthetic compounds and may have possible harmful effects. Last year, the FDA reported about more than 100 people suffered from temporary loss of smell after using Zicam cold meds. There is even one unfortunate victim who have lost her sense of smell permanently, which is a pity because you can’t taste your food when you don’t have the ability to detect scent.

Natural cold medicines are indeed safer compared to synthetic ones. Lagundi is arguably one of the most potent natural anti-cold medicines. Its fresh or dried leaves can be boiled. Half a cup of the concoction a day would suffice to treat colds. Leaves can be boiled en masse so that the concoction can be stored and refrigerated for future consumption.

However, availability of lagundi leaves may not be easy for those who are not living in the tropics. Fortunately, many Philippine-based pharmaceutical companies are now manufacturing 100% natural lagundi capsule or syrup. Lagundi capsule may cost P3.50 to P7.50 while a bottled lagundi syrup can be purchased for P80 (80 ml) or P115 (120 ml).

It’s a really cheap cold remedy. The main reason why the price of lagundi is low is that cultivating the shrub does not demand a lot of expenses. So pharmaceutical companies can purchase lagundi leaves at a low cost and sell their finished products at a low and very affordable rate.

The stint of lagundi as a commercial cold remedy may still be in its infancy. However, its future as a top-tier natural cold remedy is promising. Cheap yet very effective: these two qualities may eventually help people around the world realize how wonderful lagundi is.

MyOpine – No It’s Not a Prescription Drug

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Would you kindly allow me to stand on a soap box for just a minute?

Modern science has come a long way since the light bulb. Along with it came societal benefits not dreamed of in less enlightened times. What then is the goal of science? To better understand life so as to improve the quality therein – right?

If this is true, what is science doing for our health? It seems to me the best & the brightest in the field are hard at work in the concocting labs. They must be if the legions of drug commercials are any evidence, and boy, do they have pharmaceuticals to sell; nationwide ad campaigns are expensive after all. I am not saying all medicine is bad. Nor am I learned enough in medicine to even say that a particular medicine is bad. But instead of telling you what I’m not saying, I’ll simply let the facts speak.

The unlucky “remedy” that sparked this little concoction of my own: SEROQUEL XR. Hats off to their advertisers. The soft music. The soft tones. The loving couple. The serene and colorful butterfly floating in the breeze. Nothing but warm & fuzzy. Meanwhile the comfortably toned actress reads the side effects, but do not mind those. All will be well infers the pitch.

Meanwhile, I am having as much trouble keeping a straight face as does Seth Rogen while saying something obnoxiously ridiculous on Leno (he was on last night if you missed it, really funny guy). Eventually, in both cases, the stoic poker face breaks to a chuckle. But our health should not be comedy. Laughter is good for the soul no doubt, but it feels counterproductive in this context.

So without further ado, I’ll step down and let us together take a look at the drug’s FDA reported SIDE EFFECTS:

COMMON: Constipation; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth; increased appetite; lightheadedness; stomach upset; stuffy nose; tiredness; weight gain.

This may seem obvious, but ponder what I’m about to say. Merriam-Webster’s defines common as something occurring frequently.

SEVERE: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); confusion; fainting; fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or sore throat; increased saliva production or drooling; increased sweating; memory loss; menstrual changes; muscle pain, stiffness, or weakness; new or worsening mental or mood changes (eg, aggressiveness, agitation, anxiety, depression, exaggerated feeling of well-being, hallucination, hostility, impulsiveness, inability to sit still, irritability, panic attacks, restlessness); numbness or tingling; persistent, painful erection; seizures; severe or prolonged dizziness or headache; shortness of breath; suicidal thoughts or actions; swelling of the hands, legs, or feet; symptoms of high blood sugar (eg, increased hunger, thirst, or urination; unusual weakness); tremor; trouble concentrating, speaking, or swallowing; trouble sleeping; trouble walking or standing; uncontrolled muscle movements (eg, arm or leg movements, jerking or twisting, twitching of the face or tongue); vision changes.

God have mercy if you’re in this camp.

SEROQUEL XR is most commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia & depression. I do not want to lessen the severity of these conditions or need for a solution for those plagued by them. Again, another disclaimer, I am no medical professional and the recipient medication of my critique is by chance. I could easily pick another. My simple soap box wish is to make us think. If our bodies, anyone’s body, react to a “medicine” in this way… what should that tell us?

I strongly believe eating REAL UNPROCESSED FOOD is a part of the answer to our health woes. So is proper exercise and drinking more water. Most important is to be pro-active with your health and eating habits. Unfortunately modern medicine is all too often the re-active sort.

New Risks in Common Pain Killers

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People always take pain and pain medication for granted. Usually, they seek pain management treatment only when the pain grows worse or becomes intolerable and only when pain killers can’t seem to give them relief anymore. But before that much-avoided visit to the doctor, how do people handle or manage pain on their own?

Most of them take over-the-counter pain medication which is, of course, fine when it comes to treating occasional bouts of pain from ordinary and common known causes. When it comes to chronic pain or pain that keeps on recurring for weeks, months or years, some people attempt to play doctor by giving themselves pain medication in doses according to their own liking. This is extremely dangerous and harmful to the body due to the many side effects that are associated with prolonged use and large doses of over-the-counter pain killers.

One established negative side effect is damage to the liver by acetaminophen, a common component in most over-the-counter pain killers. Since over-the-counter drugs are dispensed without a doctor’s prescription, people tend to take them as often as they wish without giving much thought to the maximum allowable safe dosage for the medication. The damage to the liver caused by a large or frequent dosage of acetaminophen may also be aggravated by other factors like drinking alcohol or by taking other medications also containing acetaminophen which may double its effect. Some, however, brush aside warnings on labels and think they can get away with a modest amount of alcohol. And others may simply not know that other medications that they are currently taking contain acetaminophen.

Another side effect of over-the-counter pain killers is stomach bleeding which is be caused by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which is popularly called NSAID. This component is also present in most over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin. By themselves, these drugs which contain NSAID will normally not cause harm or injury to the body. When taken, however, by persons who regularly consume alcohol, or by persons who take drugs which also contain NSAID, or if its use is prolonged or in large quantities, NSAIDs may cause stomach bleeding.

Knowledge of these side effects should help people realize that when it comes to over-the-counter pain killers, attention must be given to their contents, the warnings on their labels, the proper dosage, and the drugs’ reactions when combined with other substances. As much as possible, people should take pain killers only when absolutely necessary and at minimal doses. Although they are considered safe to use even without a doctor’s prescription, over-the-counter pain medications are not to be trifled with. These medications require people to use them responsibly by following suggested dosages and heeding warnings and contraindications. In every case though, it is always best to seek medical advise on pain management even if dealing only with over-the-counter pain killers so that all these complications can be avoided.

Antidepressants and High Blood Pressure

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Some of your medications may be affecting others. This is important to understand, as the effects of taking multiple medicines may be very harmful or even deadly.

Depression is a very common condition, especially in teens and older adults. It affects millions of lives every day, and medications that help with depression are among the most highly prescribed medications in America. Unfortunately, so are high blood pressure medications. While it is understandable that both conditions must be treated, at times depression medication may interfere with high blood pressure medicine.

Depression is a condition that, though mental, has serious causes as well as effects outside the mind. Depression is sometimes caused by an imbalance of serotonin and dopamine, and chemical drugs are often prescribed that attempt to correct this imbalance. Unfortunately, serotonin and dopamine affect more than just your mind, and are chemicals needed to complete a variety of functions within the body. One of these functions is that of preventing heart disease by preventing atherosclerosis. If the depression medication does not adequately correct the imbalance, and perhaps puts the serotonin levels lower than they should be, the result will be increased risk of heart disease, including atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Dopamine, in addition, is used in cases of a severe drop in blood pressure, and works to raise blood pressure to prevent shock. If a patient has high blood pressure, however, and is on antidepressants which include dopamine, the antidepressant just well may be raising blood pressure, working against blood pressure medication.

That is not to say that antidepressant medications should be avoided at all costs if you do have high blood pressure. Rather, you would do well to research and find acceptable ways of controlling both the depression and high blood pressure through other means. All of those chemicals can not be good for you, anyway.

But how would you treat both depression and high blood pressure homeopathically? First of all, a change in lifestyle as well as in diet is necessary. Higher fat meats and other foods should be avoided, and replaced with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is a must, and avoid prepackaged foods, opting instead for fresh foods is best.

That will begin the treatment process, but, though good nutrition will help depression, depression may still exist. It is best to also consider counseling, as talking to someone may reduce stress in your life. Talking to a counselor seems awful-as if you “need help.” But truly, getting a few things of your chest every once in a while probably also seems like a great idea. Talking out problems with either a trusted friend or a counselor can be a significant stress relief, and in turn, will lower blood pressure as well.

Because the brain is an organ, it requires proper nutrition to function correctly. If you are not eating right, your brain may be deficient in vitamins and minerals, which will cause it to send improper signals to the body, including those signals which control emotions. Sometimes, but not always, a change in eating habits may relieve many symptoms and feelings of depression even without the use of antidepressant drugs.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is a great choice for every aspect of your body’s health, but it still may not be enough. You will need to speak with a doctor to determine if medication is necessary, and if it is, which would be the best medication for you.

Zoloft: Effective Way to Vent Out Depression

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Depression is the mental state of excessive sadness characterized by persistently low mood or extensive loss of pleasure and interest. To be considered a clinical condition, depression symptoms must have duration of at least 2 weeks and include: decreases or sometimes increases in weight, agitated or sluggish activity, disturbance in sleep, appetite, and concentration.These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual’s ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. Depression gives an effects on your daily routine. Depression affects millions of people every year. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

If you have been struggling with depression you may have been to countless therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, Reiki practitioners, faith healers … and you may have read countless books. You may have tried to take up jogging, tried dieting, changed your relationships, tried to think positively. If you think you are suffering from depression, then you have come to the right page. Generic Zoloft (Sertraline) is the effective way to treat depression.

Indications for Zoloft

ZOLOFT is approved by the FDA to treat patients suffering from panic, anxiety, obsessive compulsive symptoms, post traumatic stress disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder in adults over the age of 18. Children suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder and in the age group of 6-17 can be treated with this medication.

It works by treating unbalanced chemicals present in the brain which may become the cause for depression and other stress related diseases.


1. Before taking sertraline, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other allergies.

2. Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history.

3. Women who are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or who are breastfeeding should not take any antidepressant without consulting their doctor.

4. It is advised not to take alcohol while on Zoloft medication as it can make you feel drowsier.

Side Effects

The most common Zoloft side effects included:

• Nausea

• Insomnia

• Ejaculation problems

• Diarrhea

• Dizziness

• Drowsiness

• Loss of appetite

• Trouble sleeping

Other side effects may also occur as per different individuals responses. So, be alert, notice them and tell your to your doctor.

The Power Of Natural Antibiotics

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Many people have not heard of natural antibiotics, and those that have are often confused as to their effectiveness and relationship to the traditional class of antibiotics. As we shall see in this article, a greater public understanding of these wonderful drugs is essential if we are to continue protecting patients from serious and harmful infections. In recent years the spectre of drug resistant hospital infections has loomed over us.

Diseases such as MDMA and C. Dificile will, given the right environment, such as a hospital ward, or a care home, run rampant. The difficulty of these types of infection is that they have become immune to standard treatments – primarily traditional antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to treat all manner of bacterial infections, from a simple ear ache, to a patient recovering from major heart surgery. It is the ubiquity of these drugs that is leading to their decline in effectiveness.

Since penicillin was discovered over eighty years ago by Dr Alexander Fleming their use has increased year on year – and therein lies a problem. For as the use of antibiotics increases, their effectiveness decreases. Every time a patient takes a course of antibiotics there is a chance that some bacteria will survive. These single bacterium will reproduce, and in time, among the hundreds of millions of people who take antibiotics each year, resistant strains appear.

In response to this crisis, medical practitioners are starting to show more restraint when prescribing antibiotics. Where previously you may have been prescribed antibiotics for a suspected throat infection, you may now have to wait a few days until the infection is confirmed. An alternative solution comes in the form of natural antibiotics. These cures are derived from natural plants that over millions of years of evolution have developed their own, natural defences against hostile bacteria and fungus.

Using extracts from these plants, supplements can be produced that are not only effective against the strains of bacteria that are evading traditional antibiotics, but are also kinder and gentler too the patient. Many of these natural antibiotics are from common plants, some which we use for food. The treatments can be taken as a long term measure, helping to prevent as well as cure diseases, without any concern for a patients health.

As the trend of decreasing effectiveness and decreasing availability of traditional antibiotic treatments such as penicillin and its derivatives continues, more health care processionals and pro active consumers are turning to these natural, safe and effective remedies.