Human Body – Energies

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Prana has various states: it is physical, heart, mind or mental. Without prana, a thought cannot be formed; without prana, feelings cannot appear and without prana, will cannot function. Prana is the reason for creation and manifestation of thoughts, feelings and man’s deeds. This does not mean that all people have equal thoughts and feelings. Each man, in accordance with his development, will accept what he needs and will manifest what he can.

Prana is needed for the human organism. Men’s health Australian Medicine  depends on it. That is why it is recommended people to go out early in the morning in order to take in a larger quantity of prana. After that they have to process energy, which they have taken in and use it wisely. If you do not use it, it will cause you troubles.

The Hindus have scientific theories for the formation of prana in man’s organism. According to them, each man, who can wisely and correctly use prana, he can get rid of all diseases: in the stomach, lungs, eyes, etc.

At the beginning of spring there is more prana and organisms take it in more. During the summer, the warmth is more, but not prana. There are certain features, after which it can be guessed when there is more prana accumulated in Nature.

The mountains are warehouses of energies, which help people to transform their states.

Special creatures come down from extremely high worlds and process our mental energy, in order it to become suitable for people’s minds. Do not think that human brain needs the same energy, which is needed by the stomach. The energy, at which the stomach functions, is different. The same concerns the lungs and brain.

In order the form of a noble, sublime idea to be generated in the brain, a specific energy is needed. That energy involves only the top part of the forehead. The bottom part of the forehead may understand another idea.

Man shall understand the laws, after which the living electricity and the living magnetism function, the so called by the Hindus prana. The spinal cord is the main perceiver and transmitter of prana. First prana goes to the cerebellum, and from there – to the cerebrum. If any blockage occurs in the cerebellum, prana cannot continue its path to the cerebrum, as a result of which disharmony establishes in it. That disharmony is delivered to the entire organism.

At the negative pole are the feelings, at the positive – the thoughts. The brain is positive, and the sympathetic nervous system – negative. In the left side of the human body, the energy goes downwards to the left leg and then, along the right leg and along the right side, goes upwards. There is such an electromagnetic flow around each organ. For example, positive energy passes along the right eyebrow. It turns from there and goes under the right eye and turns into negative energy. It goes up from there over the left eye and it is again positive there. After that it goes down under the same eye as a negative energy. In this way, during its movement, that energy forms something like the figure of eight. In the point between the eyebrows or in the root of the nose, there is a rational centre, which regulates these flows round the eyes.

Health Care and Cocaine

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Cocaine is a white flaky powder made from the leaves of the coca plant, which grows in South America and South East Asia. ‘Coke’, ‘white lady’, ‘snow’ and ‘gold dust’ are just some of the street names for cocaine. In Ireland cocaine comes in two forms: cocaine powder and crack cocaine. Cocaine powder is usually used by snorting it through the nose. It is sometimes injected and can also be eaten. Crack cocaine is a more addictive form of cocaine and is usually smoked.

Cocaine used to be seen as an upper-class drug. However, since the Celtic Tiger years it has become much more widely available and for many people has become the illegal drug of choice. Regular and even daily use of cocaine is increasing. It is thought that about 7 per cent of Irish men have taken coke. In many ways the increase in cocaine usage has been a good analogy for the excesses of the Celtic Tiger and the ‘I want it all and I’ll have it all now’ mentality. Attitudes to cocaine have accordingly changed with increased prosperity and the desire for instant gratification. Unfortunately, cocaine can have devastating effects on both physical and mental health and leave a trail of destruction in its wake.

What Are the Effects of Cocaine?

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug and is highly addictive. The initial effects can include increased energy, confidence and alertness, and an increase in sex drive. The user may also feel less hungry, more aggressive, more excited and more prone to taking risks. Cocaine can also give you headaches, nausea and stomach or chest pains. Some users feel paranoid or suffer from hallucinations. As cocaine is used more often, tolerance develops, which means larger amounts of the drug are needed to achieve the same ‘high’ and the good feelings experienced tend to lessen. This can lead to serious adverse health effects. Cocaine is highly addictive and dependence (both physical and psychological) can develop rapidly, with strong cravings for cocaine.

Withdrawal effects can include sleep disturbance, exhaustion, irritability, restlessness and feelings of depression. Some people can experience severe seizures. ‘Snow bugs’ is an unpleasant crawling sensation that can be felt under the skin during cocaine withdrawal.

What Are the Medical Complications of Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine is usually snorted into the nostrils. This causes the blood vessels in the nose to narrow, damaging the lining (septum) between both sides of the nose. Eventually a hole can appear in the septum. A tell-tale sign of regular cocaine use is a red, runny stuffed-up nose. Cocaine can also cause loss of smell, hoarseness and nosebleeds.

Middle-Aged Spread and Erectile Dysfunction

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Irrespective of how old you are, carrying a few extra pounds can impact your sexual performance. Obesity, especially excess belly fat has profound physical effects on the support system to get your Dick erect. Have a look at these:

– Obese men produce less testosterone, which is important for sexual desire. Refer to Testo in 1.2.i above. Belly fat, seems to have a greater effect on the production of Testo than excess fat distributed in other parts of the body. Researchers are still not sure why, but it causes all sorts of inflammatory mediators and different substances to be emitted into the body that will lower Testo.

– Being overweight is also linked to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis again!), which can reduce blood flow to your Dick.

– Fitness to perform in various sex intercourse positions is an obvious one.

– Although experts aren’t exactly sure why, obesity appears to damage the endothelium (internal lining of the arteries/veins which releases Nitric Oxide). And when the endothelium doesn’t work properly, your Dick may not get enough blood to produce or sustain an erection.

A generally used measure of obesity is the BMI (Body Mass Index) which you can Google or apply the following: Weight/(Height)2. Obviously, you have to use either metric or imperial and a score of 18.5 – 25 is normal and a score of over 30 is obese. Note that I said “generally” because some athletes with high muscle mass may score over 30 but, are fit, not obese. Do the math and be aware of your BMI with the goal of reducing it if you score more than 25.

Here is a an easier way. Take off your shirt, stand upright and look for your Dick. If you can’t see it you need to lose a few pounds. You are not alone. A recent British study of 1000 men found that one third of men aged 35-60 could not see their Dicks (reported in Sydney Morning Herald).

So, if you carry a few extra pounds, have diabetes and maybe smoke, the Perfect Storm’s waves could seem insurmountable. But, don’t lose faith, a recent Australian study, published in the “Journal of Sexual Medicine,” found that losing just 5% to 10% of body weight over a two-month period improved erection ability — and revved up the sex drives of obese men with diabetes. The most effective way to lose weight for better erections is to adopt a low carb diet together with exercise. This has been confirmed by another study reported in the same journal (J Sex Med 2011;8:2868-2875). The low carb/high protein/low fat diet and exercise induced weight loss, led to rapid improvement of sexual, urinary and endothelial function in obese diabetic men and the beneficial effects were sustained. You can tackle any storm waves with a weight loss diet and exercise.

A few extra pounds also affect psychological sources of ED Buy Viagra Professional in Australia, like Self Image, Anxiety and even Depression. We will look at these later on in Psychological Sources of ED.

Alternative method Treatment of ED: Herbal Supplements

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They come in numerous delivery methods and names. There is an important point I’d like to make:
just because a product claims to be herbal or natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. Many herbal remedies can cause side effects and dangerous interactions when taken with certain medications. Hence the importance of testing and talking to your Doctor before you try any herbal treatment for ED — especially if you’re taking medications or you have a health problem such as heart disease or diabetes. – Canadian Viagra Store Online.

Various myths have also been built up over the ages based on herbal substances such as Henbane, Jimson-Weed, Spanish Fly etc and results are claimed for natural tonics ranging from ginseng to oysters. Some of them may have some blood vessel widening properties (vasodilation) but with no scientific proof. If they did actually deliver what is promised I am sure the pharmaceutical corporations would have been onto it in a flash.

Some of the offered supplements can be are sourced from the recommended diet that promote Nitric Oxide production and antioxidants in our Nutrition recommendations in Step 6. They may also promote testosterone and general well being. For example, oysters are found in our shellfish recommendations. How many times have you heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac based on their high zinc content? The implication is that zinc has some kind of Viagra in Canada online effect. Zinc supplementation is only relevant when there’s a deficiency of the mineral in our bodies and this affects normal testosterone levels.

Pomegranate juice is another recently claimed ED superfood. A famous producer of pomegranate juice has recently been forced by the US to stop claiming it treats ED. It is a good antioxidant and antioxidants help to keep cells healthy. It is also included in my recommended diet.

Likewise, Korean red ginseng is claimed to stimulate male sexual function, but not proven and again, it is probably a useful antioxidant. Ginkgo Biloba may also have other health benefits but, for sexual function, studies are inconclusive. Horny goat weed and related herbs have purportedly been treatments for sexual dysfunction for years. Not proven, but may have blood vessel dilation properties.

Dispelling the Taboo of Intersex Conditions

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Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) (also referred to as Adrenogenital Syndrome [AGS]) is one of a number of so-called intersex conditions in which the individual can show anatomical characteristics of both sexes. This chapter draws on available research, illustrated by personal and support group experiences, to consider the issues arising from moving through adolescence to adulthood while living with conditions that have the potential to be shrouded in secrecy and stigma. Many of the experiences contained here are equally applicable to those living with other intersex and associated conditions such as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS),1 Swyer’s Syndrome,2 true hermaphroditism (see below), Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome (MRKH),3and vaginal hypoplasia,4 though CAH is one of the only intersex conditions that is life-threatening.

CAH is a rare (1:10,000) life-threatening autosomal recessive genetic condition. It affects the adrenal glands’ production of cortisol and salt-retaining hormones and can result in a life-threatening adrenal crisis. The block in the production of cortisol and the enzyme 21 Hydroxylase or 11 Beta, and the resulting excess production of androgens (sex hormones), often causes virilization of females or, in a very rare number of cases such as with StAR CAH, feminization of males. At birth, the female’s external genitals can appear to be male, for example showing cliteromegaly (enlarged clitoris), fused labia and a mispositioned vaginal opening often fused with the urethra (pseudohermaphroditism). The fused labia and enlarged clitoris can resemble a small scrotum and penis or, more ambiguously, appear neither male nor female. CAH is therefore a phenotypical intersex condition in that the external genitalia appear to be male yet internal reproductive organs are functionally female and chromosomes XX or vice versa for males with, for example, StAR CAH. True hermaphroditism is where both ovarian and testicular cells are present. Intersex conditions have been reported to affect 2 per cent of the world’s population or 1 in 50 families.

There are several different types of CAH, ranging from salt-wasting, non-salt-wasting and simple virilizing types (which require steroid replacement), to milder late onset non-virilizing CAH (which sometimes does not). Cortisol and salt-retaining hormones must be replaced with lifelong steroid treatment; such treatment only being possible since the mid-1950s and only achieving better standards of success more recently. CAH is more difficult to detect in males as there are often no visible outward effects. Failure to thrive can be one of the indicators and, in the past, boys tended to die in early infancy. However, males typically have milder symptoms, mainly height and weight related as a result of steroid treatment.