Middle-Aged Spread and Erectile Dysfunction « Medications Review

Middle-Aged Spread and Erectile Dysfunction

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Irrespective of how old you are, carrying a few extra pounds can impact your sexual performance. Obesity, especially excess belly fat has profound physical effects on the support system to get your Dick erect. Have a look at these:

– Obese men produce less testosterone, which is important for sexual desire. Refer to Testo in 1.2.i above. Belly fat, seems to have a greater effect on the production of Testo than excess fat distributed in other parts of the body. Researchers are still not sure why, but it causes all sorts of inflammatory mediators and different substances to be emitted into the body that will lower Testo.

– Being overweight is also linked to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis again!), which can reduce blood flow to your Dick.

– Fitness to perform in various sex intercourse positions is an obvious one.

– Although experts aren’t exactly sure why, obesity appears to damage the endothelium (internal lining of the arteries/veins which releases Nitric Oxide). And when the endothelium doesn’t work properly, your Dick may not get enough blood to produce or sustain an erection.

A generally used measure of obesity is the BMI (Body Mass Index) which you can Google or apply the following: Weight/(Height)2. Obviously, you have to use either metric or imperial and a score of 18.5 – 25 is normal and a score of over 30 is obese. Note that I said “generally” because some athletes with high muscle mass may score over 30 but, are fit, not obese. Do the math and be aware of your BMI with the goal of reducing it if you score more than 25.

Here is a an easier way. Take off your shirt, stand upright and look for your Dick. If you can’t see it you need to lose a few pounds. You are not alone. A recent British study of 1000 men found that one third of men aged 35-60 could not see their Dicks (reported in Sydney Morning Herald).

So, if you carry a few extra pounds, have diabetes and maybe smoke, the Perfect Storm’s waves could seem insurmountable. But, don’t lose faith, a recent Australian study, published in the “Journal of Sexual Medicine,” found that losing just 5% to 10% of body weight over a two-month period improved erection ability — and revved up the sex drives of obese men with diabetes. The most effective way to lose weight for better erections is to adopt a low carb diet together with exercise. This has been confirmed by another study reported in the same journal (J Sex Med 2011;8:2868-2875). The low carb/high protein/low fat diet and exercise induced weight loss, led to rapid improvement of sexual, urinary and endothelial function in obese diabetic men and the beneficial effects were sustained. You can tackle any storm waves with a weight loss diet and exercise.

A few extra pounds also affect psychological sources of ED Buy Viagra Professional in Australia, like Self Image, Anxiety and even Depression. We will look at these later on in Psychological Sources of ED.

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